Documents tagged
Business Gov4 seidita giuseppina

1. FROM PROJECT IDEA... TO LOOKING FOR FUNDING Giuseppina Seidita Standing Committee Projects Chair 2. THE ROLE OF THE STANDING COMMITTÈE PROJECTS IS:  To monitor,coordinate…

Documents QU Academic Promotion Policies Prof. Nitham M. Hindi November 26, 2008.

Slide 1QU Academic Promotion Policies Prof. Nitham M. Hindi November 26, 2008 Slide 2 Agenda Promotion Process What is needed from candidates? Requirements for promotion…

Documents Coach/Non-Instructional Athletic Trainer (NIAT) Evaluation Workshop 1.

Slide 1Coach/Non-Instructional Athletic Trainer (NIAT) Evaluation Workshop 1 Slide 2 Evaluation Procedure There is only one evaluation procedure leading to recommendations…

Documents About Warwick: Jon F Baldwin, Registrar. 1.History 2.Higher Education 3.Position in the Sector...

Slide 1 About Warwick: Jon F Baldwin, Registrar Slide 2 1.History 2.Higher Education 3.Position in the Sector 4.Funding 5.Aims & Values 6.Students & Learning 7.Management…

Documents Promotion and Tenure Open Forum for Administrators May 6, 2011

Slide 0 Promotion and Tenure Open Forum for Administrators May 6, 2011 Jim Liburdy Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee Becky Warner Academic Affairs 0 Faculty Senate…

Documents National and Regional Engineering Competitions

National and Regional Engineering Competitions From GA to PM NEC -REC: Where? NEC -REC: Why? EBEC Requirements Competition Platform 54 Universities 18 countries 10 NEC -…

Documents CAC Newsletter Volume 4

Central Asia and Caucasus Newsletter | Volume 4 |15th of April, 2013 Central Asia and Caucasus Newsletter 15th of April, 2013 Volume 4 Content  Opportunities  Recognition…

Documents New Faculty Orientation 2011-12 September 19-20, 2011 1.

Slide 1 New Faculty Orientation 2011-12 September 19-20, 2011 1 Slide 2 Academic Governance Relevant Policies University policies on Academic Freedom and Responsibilities…

Documents Professor Rick Roush Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture Melbourne School of Land and...

Professor Rick Roush Australian Council of Deans of Agriculture Melbourne School of Land and Environment University of Melbourne ACDA The Future of Agricultural Extension…