Documents tagged
Technology Chapter 3 (maths 3)

1. CHAPTER 3APPLICATION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIALEQUATIONS In many physical and engineering problems, we always seek a solution of thedifferential equations, whether it is…

Documents Non-uniform black strings/branes: non-linear effects of gauge charge Umpei MIYAMOTO Waseda U....

Slide 1 Non-uniform black strings/branes: non-linear effects of gauge charge Umpei MIYAMOTO Waseda U. “Einstein's Gravity in Higher Dims” 18-22 Feb ’07 @Hebrew…

Documents Coin Flipping of any Constant Bias Implies One-Way Functions

Slide 1 Iftach Haitner Based on joint works with Itay Berman, Eran Omri and Aris Tentes Coin Flipping of any Constant Bias Implies One-Way Functions TexPoint fonts used in…