Documents tagged
Documents Climate Change: Threats and Opportunities to Sustainable Development From Regional Context and...

Slide 1Climate Change: Threats and Opportunities to Sustainable Development From Regional Context and Outcomes of Cop-15 By Khim Lay, Assistant Country Director and Team…

Documents By Khim Lay, Assistant Country Director and Team Leader

Regional Context of CC and Cop -15 Outcomes Climate Change: Threats and Opportunities to Sustainable Development From Regional Context and Outcomes of Cop-15 By Khim Lay,…

Documents UNDP Cambodia: Annual Report 2011

CAMBODIA AnnuAl RepORt 2011 CAMBODIA At A GlAnCe Population 14.3m1 Annual population growth rate 1.34%2 GDP in 2011 US$12.9 billion3 GDP growth in 2011 7.1% 4 GDP per capita…