Documents Chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Internal, Operational and Compliance Auditing CHAPTER 21 Internal, Operational and Compliance Auditing Review Questions Internal auditing may be defined as an…

Documents FMFIA and Internal Controls NOAA Finance Conference May 10, 2007

1. FMFIA and Internal Controls NOAA Finance Conference May 10, 2007 2. Outline Purpose Internal Controls (I/C) Legislative Requirements for (I/C) OMB Circular A-123 OMB Circular…

Documents Jeff Kaplan/Kaplan & Walker LLP [email protected] The Network; January 20, 2015.

Slide 1 Jeff Kaplan/Kaplan & Walker LLP [email protected] The Network; January 20, 2015 Slide 2  Auditing  Monitoring ◦ But not all the uses of technology…