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Documents Case Study on Ectopic Pregnancy

A Case Study on Ectopic Pregnancy Submitted to: Geetha Reddy Mam Submitted by: G.sudeshna (08immn13) V.Prashanth (08immn12) V.Srikanth (08immn11) ...................................…

Documents Ectopic pregnancy

1.Ectopic Pregnancywww.freelivedoctor.com2. DefinitionIt is the implantation of the fertilised ovum outside the normal uterine cavity. * Common site (95%): the tubes. * Rare…

Health & Medicine Laparoscopic management of tubal pregnancy

1. Benha University Hospital, EGYPT 2. > 80% of ECTOPIC can be diagnosed & managed prior to tubal rupture. That is due to 3 diagnostic advances : 1-Laparoscopy. 2-Ultrasonography…