Documents tagged
Law Woodshedding in theTwenty-First Century

1. John P. Kelly Fort Lauderdale, Florida 2.  Fundamental human problem of recalling events from the past; no one has accurate ―instant recall‖;  Frailties in human…

Education Patent strategy in the modern economy

1. Patent Strategy in the Modern Economy Presented by Bruce Abramson, Ph.D., J.D. [email protected] 2. Introduction:Why Patents? 3. POLICY OBJECTIVE….…

Documents The Road Ahead : Trial Lawyers Facing The New Decade.

Slide 1The Road Ahead : Trial Lawyers Facing The New Decade Slide 2 1861 Slide 3 1957 Slide 4 1995 Slide 5 Slide 6 Jurors Judges Experts Technology Agenda Slide 7 Dangers…

Documents Gerald Conover Managing Director PRC Associates, USA representing ITS America Cooperative and...

Slide 1Gerald Conover Managing Director PRC Associates, USA representing ITS America Cooperative and Automated Driving in the United States Opportunities and Challenges 1…

Documents Massive Resistance. Definition of Massive Resistance In Virginia, during the late 1950s, many people...

Slide 1Massive Resistance Slide 2 Definition of Massive Resistance In Virginia, during the late 1950s, many people were against the idea of having white or African American…

Documents By Joseph P. Allen 2014 AUTM Eastern Regional Meeting.

Slide 1By Joseph P. Allen 2014 AUTM Eastern Regional Meeting Slide 2 Slide 3 Are Americans participants in the economy or victims? Does innovation lead to prosperity for…

News & Politics Junk Science On Trial

1.Junk Science Quality of the Evidence and Reliability of the Conviction 2. Science is Everywhere Justice Breyer noted the pervasive use of expert witnesses in modern litigation:"Scientific…

Business MACPA PIU - Spring 2011

1. Tom Hood, CPA.CITP CEOMaryland Association of CPAs 2. Welcome to the Extreme Future! 3. 1. Speed – the rate of change will be blinding, comprehensive in scope…

Documents Legal Ethics Reviewer

LEGAL & JUDICIAL ETHICS REVIEWER BY: RENE CALLANTA LAWYER’S OATH: “I, _______________________, do solemnly swear that I will maintain allegiance to the Republic of…