Documents tagged
Documents Software Transaction Memory for Dynamic-Sized Data Structures presented by: Mark Schall.

Slide 1 Software Transaction Memory for Dynamic-Sized Data Structures presented by: Mark Schall Slide 2 The Problem Using locks introduces well-known problems Coarse-grained…

Documents Data-Driven Transaction Based Unit Tests Engin Yorgancıoğlu Volkan Sevinçok Turkey.

Data-Driven Transaction Based Unit Tests Engin Yorgancıoğlu Volkan Sevinçok Turkey * Why automate unit tests? Automation of unit tests allows regression testing, by which…

Documents The HERA-B detector The database problem The Architecture The Berkeley-DB DBMS

The HERA-B database services detector configuration, calibration, alignment, slow control, data classification The HERA-B detector The database problem The Architecture The…