Documents tagged
Documents CAA 9th Cross-Calibration Workshop, Cambridge, England, 25th-27th March 2009. 1 CLUSTER / STAFF ●....

CLUSTER / STAFF ● status of calibration and archiving activities ● archiving plan until summer 2010 Status of data production: STAFF-SC and STAFF-SA. Status of open action…

Documents CLUSTER/STAFF DATA at CAA. 11th Cross-Calibration Meeting, 7-9th April 2010, Goslar. C. Burlaud, P.....

CLUSTER/STAFF DATA at CAA. 11th Cross-Calibration Meeting, 7-9th April 2010, Goslar. C. Burlaud, P. Robert, O. Santolik, N. Cornilleau-Werhlin, P. Canu, Y. de Conchy, V.…