Documents tagged
News & Politics China group 14-pg-b

1.Presented by: PG-B, Group 14Bhawya Dwivedi -114CHINA Sahil Khanna- 148Swati Agrawal-1542. Agenda• Country profile• History• Culture• Political System• Economic…

Education 3.2 china rejects european outreach

1. CH. 3.2CHINA REJECTSEUROPEAN OUTREACH 2.  1514- Portuguese shipsarrive off coast of Chinawhich was under the controlof the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644.) 3. Ming Dynasty…

Documents Humanities

PowerPoint Presentation ASIAN LITERATURES Presented by: Princess Magnolia Francisco Llanto DREAM OF THE RED CHAMBER A scene from the novel, painted by Xu Baozhuan (1810–1873)…

Documents The Ming and Qing Dynasties

The Ming and Qing Dynasties In this lesson, students will be able to define the following terms: Ming Dynasty Forbidden City Zheng Ho Manchus Qing Dynasty E. Napp During…