Documents tagged
Business Biz model for portable telepresence anybot

1. MT 5016Business Model forHigh-Tech ProductsASSOC PROF Funk, Jeffrey Lee Ushashree Divakar Li Yinbei Zhou Kaijing Chang Chiew YuenWang QianQian Oh Chin Lock 2. Robotic…

Education FWS Cutting Edge presentation

1. Lessons from the Future of Museums Click to edit Master text styles Delivering Interpretation andEducation Programs Beyond BoundariesPhilip M. Katz, American Alliance…

Technology Robotics

ROBOTICS ROBOTICS By : Raja Krishna Harish Varma What is a robot? A robot is a mechanical or virtual artificial agent, usually an electro-mechanical machine that…

Education Robots in Education

1. R E S E A R C H P O S T E R P R E S EN T A TIO N D E S IG N © 2 01 2 w w w . Post erPresent at i ons. com Today, public education institutions still cater primarily…

Technology Risto Linturi in the Oulu Smart City seminar on Wed 6th May, 2015

1. Emerging technologies that could radically transform our cities Smart City Seminar, Oulu 6. 5. 2015 Risto Linturi, futurist, executive catalyst 2. Radical technologies…

Documents Kimberlyn Loarie RP-VITA IN TELEMEDICINE Remote Presence Virtual and Independent Telemedicine...

RP-VITA in Telemedicine Kimberlyn Loarie RP-VITA in Telemedicine Remote Presence Virtual and Independent Telemedicine Assistant Created by iRobot and InTouch Health Used…

Documents Craig Rispin-Business Futurist & Innovation Expert - Keynote Speaker Brochure

Know First ⢠Be First ⢠Profit First Craig Rispin CSP Business Futurist and Innovation Expert Award-winning Speaker, Mentor & Author Craig Rispin is a Business…

Documents Introduction to Robotics

Introduction to Robotics Introduction to Robotics 10th grade Topics to be covered Definition of robot Types of robots Videos and Discussion Types of robots Nowadays, robots…