Documents tagged
Documents Types of Swaps

Constant maturity swap From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A constant maturity swap, also known as a CMS, is a swap that allows the purchaser to fix the duration of received…

Documents dhiraj tiwari

A Project Report on Treasury & Risk Management (Implementation of VaR in G-SEC) Submitted By Mr. Dhiraj Tiwari Indian Institute of Finance Greater Noida Dhiraj Tiwari…

Documents Weather Risk Management Association 2006 Survey Results June 2006.

Slide 1Weather Risk Management Association 2006 Survey Results June 2006 Slide 2 Agenda 1. Overview of Survey 2. Survey Design and Implementation 3. Participation 4. Results…

Documents BY UCHE UWALEKE PhD. Understand key financial instruments Learn how derivatives could be used as...

Slide 1BY UCHE UWALEKE PhD Slide 2 Understand key financial instruments Learn how derivatives could be used as Hedging instruments Be familiar with the main requirements…

Economy & Finance Using Swaptions in an LDI Framework

1.Teach-In Using Swaptions in an LDI Framework 05 December 2012Dan Mikulskis (Redington)Alex Soulsby (F&C)12. Teach-In Using Swaptions in an LDI Framework 05 December…

Documents Steel swaps explained

1. +44 20 7090 1126 [email protected] Introduction to Steel Swaps 1 2. 1. Overview of the Steel Market 2.…

Documents DB Report Trafigura Angola February 2013 E

Trafiguraâs business in angola RepoRt of the BeRne DeclaRation â feBRuaRy 2013 impressum editor: The Berne Declaration legal Disclaimer: The German version is valid. Reference:…

Documents Derivatives and SPEs. SPEs or VIEs Very often used to engage in off balance sheet financing. Enron.....

Slide 1 Derivatives and SPEs Slide 2 SPEs or VIEs Very often used to engage in off balance sheet financing. Enron scandal (several hundred SPEs, no consolidation) used to…

Documents SWAPS. Forward or futures contracts settle on a single date However, many transactions occur...

Slide 1 SWAPS Slide 2  Forward or futures contracts settle on a single date  However, many transactions occur repeatedly  If a manager seeking to reduce risk confronts…

Documents Hedgind Demand Deposit Liabilities: Market Conditions, Term Structure of Interest Rates and Risk...

Slide 1 Hedgind Demand Deposit Liabilities: Market Conditions, Term Structure of Interest Rates and Risk Management Umberto Cherubini University of Bologna Workshop: Interest…