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Documents The Rise of Mali A power-point presentation by Jake Kelsoe, Andy Rusinek, and Trevor.

Slide 1The Rise of Mali A power-point presentation by Jake Kelsoe, Andy Rusinek, and Trevor Slide 2 The past of Mali… Mali was previously owned by a king who treated the…

Education Telemachus Vs. Sundiata

1. Telemachus vs. Sundiata Who’s the more AMAZING hero? Sundiata, from the book calledSundiata, an Epic of Old Maliis challenging our current AMAZING hero, Telemachus,…

Documents The Empire of Mali. Sundiata Makes Mali an Empire Like Ghana, Mali lay along the upper Niger River ...

Slide 1 The Empire of Mali Slide 2 Sundiata Makes Mali an Empire  Like Ghana, Mali lay along the upper Niger River  The area had very fertile soil  Consider the…