Documents Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents Jessica Stewart CEP 504 – Fall 2011.

Slide 1 Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents Jessica Stewart CEP 504 – Fall 2011 Slide 2 street names  Whippersnappers  Hoodlums  Rugrats  Ankle Biters…

Documents Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents Jessica Stewart CEP 504 â Fall 2011 street names Whippersnappers Hoodlums Rugrats…

Documents Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Medical & Psychosocial Aspects of Disability 10/26/04 Substance Abuse Statistics According to the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse,…