Documents tagged
Engineering Tweets Classification using Naive Bayes and SVM

Tweets Classification for classifying test tweet into several Wikipedia categories.

Documents Business Math - Set Theory Raw

Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU1 Set Theory Two's company, three is none. Chapter 3 Discrete Math by R.S. Chang, Dept. CSIE, NDHU2 Chapter 3 Set Theory…

Documents Saharon Shelah- A Partition Theorem

A PARTITION THEOREM SH679 Saharon Shelah Institute of Mathematics The Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel Rutgers University Mathematics Department New Brunswick, NJ USA…

Documents Comprehensive Viva Voce Ppt

Comprehensive Viva-Voce Under the Guidance of Mr.R Kiran Rao, M.Tech Asst.Professor Presented By Srishti.P 08E31C0489 IVth Year, ECE-B Contents Analog Communication Sampling…

Documents College Algebra Sets

SETS • Everywhere, at home, in school, or in the market, the word setis already a byword. • Whenever we talk ofa collection of appliances,books,flowers, players, scholars,…

Technology 1 basics

1. Visualisation in R Hadley Wickham Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair Department of Statistics / Rice University July 2010 Sunday, 25 July 2010 2. HE LL…

Business AIESEC UK Alumni - Communication Working Group - 4 Sep 2008

1. AIESEC UK Alumni Association Communication Working Group 4 th September 2008 Dan Cunningham & Carl Petrou Communication … if it’s going to be, it’s up to us!…

Education Set theory and relation

1. Discrete mathematics Set Theory And Relation BY:-Ankush kumar 2. Set Theory3.1 Sets and SubsetsA well-defined collection of objects (the set of outstanding people, outstanding…

Business Marketing mix and segmentation

1. Market Segments and Marketing Mix Christie and Ryan 2. Market Segmentations Market segmentation involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers who have…