Documents tagged
Health & Medicine Carboxytherapy

Lecture by Dr. Patrick Treacy on Carboxytherapy to the Royal Society of Medicine in London Advanced Cosmetic Interventional Group 2013

Documents Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine General concept     Radiopharmaceutics mCi, MBq (1mCi = 37MBq) Planar image and SPECT image Clinical presentation Neurology imaging  99mTc-HMPAO…

Documents Refrat Rsop Repaired)

REFRAT RSOP FRAKTUR TERBUKA Oleh: Intannuari Paringga Rizqinia Sheila Mar’ah Yoni Frista Vendarani G0006 G0007147 G0008039 Pembimbing: Iwan Budiwan Anwar, dr., Sp.OT KEPANITERAAN…

Health & Medicine 7 13 Connective Tissue Disease

Connective Tissue Diseases Sjogrenâs Syndrome Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies IIM, Scleroderma A 52-year old female grade-school teacher presents with a two-year history…

Documents 10 03 02 Skin Tumors Melanoma 2

SKIN TUMORS II: MELANOMA Robert G Anderson MD INTRODUCTION Melanoma can be cured with simple surgical treatment in the vast majority of patients if it is detected early in…