Documents A Fighter's Lines Modul Sabah.docx

List of Activities Low English Proficiency Focus Activity 1 – Literal Meaning Activity 2 – Figurative Meaning Activity 3 – Personal Expression Focus Activity 1 –…

Technology Welcome to Technology

1. WelcometoTechnology 2007/08 Ms. Barbara Guimarães Mr.Chris Cosgrove Mr. Richard Sawyer Ms. Ramona Dietrich 2. Computer/Design Technology Department Goals Design Cycle…

Education Culture Learning and Teaching; A Birthday

1.KnowingAbouta Birthday Celebration What is thecultural informationstudents need to acquire? Students Learn: Birthday celebrations are meant to honor a person. They can…

Documents Reading assessment

1. READING ASSESSMENT 2ND GROUP: 1. Deni Rahmawati 2. Hapri Edayanti 3. Isna Mufida 4. Putri Maya Alimah 5. Quruin Fitrianingsih 6. Umi Sholihah 7. Yan Jati Rifa’i Leading…