Documents tagged
Technology Doctrine 2.0 Enterprise Persistence Layer for PHP

1.Enterprise Persistence Layer for PHP 2. • Frontend web developer since 1998 • Moved to backend programming in 2002 • Currently employee of MIH – SWAT team • Committer…

Technology MemeScript Language

1. introduction to102 - MemeScript Prerequisites 101 - Hello Meme IDE 2. 1Contents2MemeScript Example 21 Naming Conventions3Meme IDE Function Editor 22 Defining an Address…

Documents COMP 14 Introduction to Programming Mr. Joshua Stough February 2, 2005 Monday/Wednesday 11:00-12:15....

Slide 1 COMP 14 Introduction to Programming Mr. Joshua Stough February 2, 2005 Monday/Wednesday 11:00-12:15 Peabody Hall 218 Slide 2 Announcements Assignment simpler than…

Documents QBASIC Tutorial

QBASIC TUTORIAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS - Introduction - Variables - Interacting with the computer - More…

Technology 04 meme script

1. Meme Script● Type System● If, while etc● Dates, times, strings 2. Meme Script Examplevar x = 10;var y = 20;var z : Integer;z = x + y;notify(z); 3. Meme IDE Function…