Documents tagged
Technology Hpca2012 facebook keynote

Social Networking at ScaleSanjeev KumarFacebook Outline 1 What makes scaling Facebook challenging? 2 Evolution of Software Architecture 3 Evolution of Datacenter Architecture…

Technology Info. Archive Customer Presentation - SSI version

1. IBM Information Archive a simple, flexible and powerful archiving solution to help with your information archiving needs 2. Despite the economic cycle budgets are affected…

Documents SSD Deployment Guide

eBook SSD Deployment Guide Factors You Must Consider When Deploying SSD Share this ebook Start Introduction Although relatively low in capacity,…

Documents Ppt slides 05

1. PRACTICAL OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN WITH UML 2e Chapter 5: Restaurant System: Analysis 2. Analysis What is to be analyzed? the system requirements Why? to demonstrate their…

Technology Choosing the Right Storage for your Server Virtualization Environment

1. Making the RightStorage Choice foryour Virtualized ServerEnvironment Tony Pearson IBM Master Inventor and Senior Managing Consultant0 2. AbstractMaking the Right Storage…

Documents Dell bb quest_wp_jan6

1. OPTIMIZINGBLACKBOARDACADEMIC SUITEON DELLSERVERS ANDSTORAGETAKING ADVANTAGEOF VIRTUALIZEDRESOURCES January 2009 2. ContentsIntroduction ....................................................................................................................…

Technology Ucs clle 2014-v6

1. Local Edition Cisco Unified Computing Todd Rodgers – CCNP Datacenter Consulting Systems Engineer Cisco 2. © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Presentation_ID…

Technology Intro to Joyent's Manta Object Storage Service

1. Introduction to Manta Rod Boothby VP 415-819-9253 [email protected] August 12, 2013 2. Object Stores are the Future 2 $14,639 $12,597 $14,193 $13,228 $15,305 $11,812 $10,868…

Documents Web Application Development. Web Architecture browse r Web Server HTM L docs HTM L docs Request: ...

Slide 1Web Application Development Slide 2 Web Architecture browse r Web Server HTM L docs HTM L docs Request: http://host/hello.html Response: HTML Code Slide 3 Web Browser…

Technology Java Tech Day 2009 - Developing Cloud Computing Applications With Java

1.Developing Cloud Computing Applications with Java Shlomo Swidler CTO, [email_address]2. Developing Cloud Computing Applications with Java Overview of Cloud…