Documents tagged
Spiritual Jesus sends the Holy Spirit -SFX-PJ RCIA-2013-14

1.22. “ ..the earth was a formless void and “ darkness covered the face of the deep, darkness covered the face of the deep, while the “Ruach”offrom God swept over…

Documents The Godhead

Theories about the Godhead Tritheism = 3 gods Mormons - Deut. 6:4 Arianism = Christ was created Jehovahâs Witnesses Jn.1:1 Sabellianism = only one Oneness Pentecostal 1.…

Documents The Godhead

Theories about the Godhead Tritheism = 3 gods Mormons - Deut. 6:4 Arianism = Christ was created Jehovahâs Witnesses Jn.1:1 Sabellianism = only one Oneness Pentecostal 1.…