Education Lino history project

Country Project Country Project By: Lino Resurreccion Gibraltar Map of Gibraltar Country Description Size: 5.8 square km Climate: warm throughout the year, with hot summers…

Education Charles II, the bewitched

1.   2. Charles II the bewitched (1661) the last of the Hapsburg dynasty, was the king of Spain during the second half of the XVI century. His nickname cames from his physical…

Education The House of the Habsburgs

1. THE HOUSE OF THE HABSBURGS 2. WHO WERE THEY? A monarchy located in present-day Austria that ruled from 1526-1918. The state was composed of many territories from the former…

Documents DAvol2_02.pdf

Dubrovnik Annals 2 (1998): 29-54 29 Original Paper UDC 949.75 "1701/1714"=20 THE RAGUSAN (DUBROVNIK) REPUBLIC AND THE SPANISH WAR OF SUCCESSION (1701-1714) MILJENKO…