Documents tagged
Documents Struts 2.0. Open Source java framework for creating web applications. Action Based Framework Create....

Slide 1Struts 2.0 Slide 2 Open Source java framework for creating web applications. Action Based Framework Create web application using MVC 2 architecture Apache Struts offer…

Technology Role-Activity Diagrams Modeling Based on Workflow Mining

1. Role-activity Diagrams Modeling Based on Workflow Mining 2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering Weidong Zhao, Anhua Wang, Xiaochun Fang @…

Documents Database Systems. DataBase System Haichang Gao, Software School, Xidian University 2 Major Content &...

Slide 1 Database Systems Slide 2 DataBase System Haichang Gao, Software School, Xidian University 2 Major Content & Grade  Introduction*  The Relational Model***…

Documents 06718037

50 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOL. 19, NO. 1, FEBRUARY 2015 A New Local Search-Based Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm Bili Chen, Wenhua Zeng, Yangbin…

Documents Database Systems

Database Systems DataBase System Haichang Gao , Software School , Xidian University * Major Content & Grade Introduction * The Relational Model *** SQL **** Transaction…