Technology cloudstack participation

1. CLOUDSTACK PARTICIPATION 2. Participate Incubator Projects • As a user• Who uses the software• Active user communities• Get/Provide help • As a developer•…

Business Insight You Need to Successfully Market to Tweens and Teens

1. Insight to Successfully Market to Tweens and Teens Understanding the youth market is crucial for any company attempting to capture the attention of today's tween…

Technology Shultz AAG 2008

1. Benjamin Shultz Brian E. Johnson Department of Geography Department of Geography University of Tennessee Indiana University Knoxville, Tennessee Bloomington, Indiana Social…

Software Social annotations: utility and predictive modeling

Patrick Pantel, Michael Gamon, Omar Alonso, Kevin Haas Microsoft 12 August 2012 Social Annotations: Utility and Prediction Modeling Outline ⢠Introduction ⢠Social…