Documents tagged
Documents . This video is the first in a series of five videos created to support the understanding of SLOs......

Slide 1 Slide 2 This video is the first in a series of five videos created to support the understanding of SLOs. The Overview video will outline the following: An overview…

Education M2-Building-SLOs-13NOV13

1. The Student Learning Objective (SLO) Process is comprised of three (3) components: Design, Build, and Review. Student Learning Objectives provide indicator of teacher…

Documents Non-Classroom Teacher (NCT) Student Learning Objectives

Non-Classroom Teacher (NCT) Student Learning Objectives Non-Classroom Teacher (NCT) Student Learning Objectives 1 Presentation Objectives 2 Understand what is an SLO Understand…

Documents Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Social Studies

PowerPoint Presentation Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Social Studies 1 1 What are SLOs and why are they important? Core Value of Hawaiiâs EES Teachers…

Documents Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Social Studies 1.

PowerPoint Presentation Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Social Studies 1 1 What are SLOs and why are they important? Core Value of Hawaiiâs EES Teachers…

Documents Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Science 1.

Student Learning Objectives Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Science 1 1 Why SLOs? Teachers who developed high-quality SLOs produced better student achievement…

Documents Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Mathematics

PowerPoint Presentation Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for Mathematics 1 1 What are SLOs and why are they important? Core Value of Hawaiiâs Effective Educator…

Documents assessment development SESSion

Regional assessment development July 30th â August 2nd, 2012 assessment development SESSion Renee M. Burnett [email protected] OCM BOCES Network Team Facilitator Clarify…

Documents Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for English Language Arts

PowerPoint Presentation Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Resources for English Language Arts 1 1 What are SLOs and why are they important? Core Value of Hawaiiâs EES Teachers…

Documents Making Sense of SLOs Overview

PowerPoint Presentation Making Sense of SLOs Overview   Welcome to Making Sense of SLOs. This series of short recordings is designed to provide additional technical…