Documents tagged
Economy & Finance Presentation by Chou Vannak

1. Progress Achievement ofSustainability ofMicrofinance in CambodiaMr. CHOU VANNAK Heat of Division, Microfinance & SME Division, Financial Industry Dept.Ministry of…

Technology Communities 2.0 PhD study

1. PhDDigital Inclusion – New Technology, Participation and Social JusticeMatt [email protected] 2. Background Study focusFirst findingsDiscussion 3. Background2003…

Documents Quality Systems and Customer Services

1. Module 9 : Strategic Partnering & Collaboration in Supply Chain SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Dr Vinh Thai 2. Some initial observations A framework of strategic partnering…

Education Development Of EREPs - EHFA - Cliff Collins

1. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EUROPEAN REGISTER OF EXERCISE PROFESSIONALS - EREPS Cliff Collins, Executive Director, EREPS 2. They know a lot about themselves They know what they…

Business Accenture turning-the-tide-how-europe-can-rebuild-skills-and-generate-growth-transcript

1. Turning the Tide How Europe can rebuild skills and generate growth 2. Accenture’s latest research is called Turning the Tide: How does Europe rebuild its skills base…

Documents Oracle Corp Oracle India (General)

1.   2. Welcome to Oracle in India 3. Oracle Corporation World’s largest enterprise software vendor $22+ billion revenue, FY08 275,000 global customers 197,000 small and…

Technology Chapter 13 online communities and interactions

1. Chapter 13 - Online communities and interac-tionsChapter 13 - Online communities and interactions ......................................................1Introduction..................................................................................................................1The…

Business Cluster Development Team

1. BillGreenhalgh NWDA ClusterManager ClusterDevelopmentTeam 2. North West England £78 billion GVA 7 million People 14,000 sq km 350,000 enterprises 8 Universities 3. What…

Documents Session 3 measuring democracy and technology

1. Measuring Democracy and TechnologyDr. Juan Luis Manfredi SánchezCorreo-e: [email protected]@ie.eduTwitter: @juanmanfredi…

Documents EEF: Reacting to the Crisis. 2 nd Oct 09 Update : Recession : Impact and Priorities.

Slide 1EEF: Reacting to the Crisis. 2 nd Oct 09 Update : Recession : Impact and Priorities. Slide 2 Impact: Impact on the Economy; Key issues:- Loss of 50% + in…