Documents Security, Opportunity, Responsibility Presentation by Al From Democratic Leadership Councils...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Security, Opportunity, Responsibility Presentation by Al From Democratic Leadership Councils National Conversation New York City July 29, 2002…

Documents How did President Thomas Jefferson bring CHANGE to the U.S.?

Slide 1How did President Thomas Jefferson bring CHANGE to the U.S.? Slide 2 Background Declaration of Independence Secretary of State (GW) Vice-President (JA) Elected in…

Documents Louisiana Purchase Video 1. What is the mission of Lewis and Clark? 2. Who controlled the Louisiana....

Slide 1Louisiana Purchase Video 1. What is the mission of Lewis and Clark? 2. Who controlled the Louisiana Territory before 1803? 3. List 5 facts that you hear about their…

Documents Jeff Kiernan Regional Public Affairs Manager League of California Cities Prepared for the South Bay....

Slide 1 Jeff Kiernan Regional Public Affairs Manager League of California Cities Prepared for the South Bay COG Board of Directors Meeting 10/24/2013 Slide 2 Background Before…

Documents Balanced Approach 2013-14 Nova Scotia Budget Submission.

Slide 1 Balanced Approach 2013-14 Nova Scotia Budget Submission Slide 2 2 We are: Non-profit, Non-partisan We Stand For: Lower Taxes Less Waste More Accountability What We…