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Technology 08 GoMeasure (sg and kl) - optimising for the post click experience - timo josten - google

1.Optimizing forthe Post-ClickExperienceTimo JostenPartner Program Manager, Google Analytics conversionroom-japac.blogspot.com2. 1 What Do We Mean?2…

Technology 14 GoMeasure (sg and kl) - 12 for 2012 - vinoaj vijeyakumaar - google

1.12 for 2012Vinoaj VijeyakumaarSenior Conversion Specialist, Google Southeast Asia conversionroom-japac.blogspot.com2. 12steps toconversion…

Business Gamc2010 10 - catching up on trends - madona michael - google

1.Catching Up On Trends“Advertising generally works to reinforce consumer trends rather than initiate them” Michael Schudson, sociologist 2. Trend Seeker – Mr X•…

Technology Ga-Konferenz-2011 Clancy Childs_Improving your business with GA

1. 3 Things to Do With Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics Konferenz, Wien, September 29th 2011Clancy ChildsEMEA Manager, Google AnalyticsGoogle Confidential and Proprietary…

Marketing Convegnogt2014 muller

Next stop: 2015 December 2014 Google Confidential and Proprietary John Mueller Webmaster Trends Analyst Google Zuerich Connecting webmasters with engineers Regular webmaster…

Technology Mobile Web Rock

March 2015 Mobile Web Rock Google Confidential and Proprietary +Ido Green @greenido 1. Why? 2. Distribution 3. How Google Confidential and Proprietary Why? Mobile Vs Desktop…