Documents tagged
Documents Jane Greenberg, Frances McColl Professor; Director, SILS/Metadata Research Center School of...

Slide 1Jane Greenberg, Frances McColl Professor; Director, SILS/Metadata Research Center School of Information and Library Science Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill…

Education Creative commons for Schools

1. Our goal: “To realise the potential of the internet.” 2. Our goal: “Universal access to research and education, full participation in culture.” 3. More free More…

Education Creative Commons in NZ Schools, July 2014

1. Our goal: “Universal access to research and education, full participation in culture.” 2. More free More restrictive 1 1. Free Licences 3. 2. Projects 4. We argue:…

Education Creative Commons for Schools - Wellington Loop Conference

1. Our goal: “To realise the potential of the internet.” 2. Our goal: “Universal access to researchand education, full participation in culture.” 3. More free More…

Education Creative Commons for Central Taranaki Schools

1. Our goal:“Universal access to researchand education, full participationin culture.” 2. 11. Free LicencesMore free More restrictive 3. 2. Projects 4. We argue:Publicly…

Education Creative Commons for Connected Educators

1. Our goal:“Universal access to researchand education, full participationin culture.” 2. 11. Free LicencesMore free More restrictive 3. 2. Projects 4. We argue:Publicly…

Business Web 2.0 - Accelerator of a major shift

1. Tien Nguyen,Connek June 2007 Web 2.0: Accelerator of a Major Shift 2. What to expect? What this talk isNOTabout: A technical talk A theory backed by research data It’s…

Government & Nonprofit Raul Mario Abril-Jimene-Eira and EIC

Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations Luxembourg 7th November 2014 Dr. Raul M. Abril [email protected] EIRA and EIC update Click…

Education Creative Commons for Schools 18 November 2014

Our goal: âUniversal access to research and education, full participation in culture.â More free More restrictive 1 1. Free Licences 2. Projects We argue: Publicly funded…