Technology Web Storage

1. Web Storage Sebastiano Armeli-Battana [email protected] @sebarmeliSunday, 20 February 2011 2. Remote Data StorageSunday, 20 February 2011 3. Why Web Storage? • Performance…

Software Ratpack and Grails 3 GR8Conf US 2014

1.Ratpack and Grails 3 Lari Hotari @lhotari Pivotal Software, Inc. 2. Agenda • Grails 3 and Ratpack • Why async? • Modularity and micro service architectures 3. •…

Technology Ratpack and Grails 3

1. Lari Hotari @lhotari Pivotal Software, Inc. Ratpack and Grails 3 2. Agenda • Grails 3 and Ratpack • Why async? • Modularity and micro service architectures 3. •…

Technology Webapps without the web

We'll look at how the HTML5 and related specifications allow us to develop applications that can survive outside of the web. Browsers now offer us simple storage and more…