Documents tagged
Technology What the heck went wrong?

1. What the heckwent wrong? Andy McKay andym on #django clearwind [email protected] @clearwind 2. debugging django 3. reporting errors 4. not a question of if...…

Documents Redis

1. RedisCursillos de verano del e-ghost 2012 ˜ ´ Pablo Orduna y Aitor Gomez-Goiri {pablo.orduna,aitor.gomez}@deusto.es18 y 19 de Julio de 2012 2. Outline´IntroduccionRedis2…

Technology Pycvf

1. PyCVFOverview ofthe Python Computer Vision Framework (preliminary version)Bertrand NOUVEL Japanese French Laboratory for Informatics [email protected] May 2010  …

Engineering How to build a realtime, WebSockets-enabled chat in less than 5 minutes

1. Build a Real-time, WebSockets- enabled Chat in less than 5 minutes with Ember-CLI and Python Derek Edwards August 4, 2015 2. About me @derekbedwards