Documents tagged
Documents Security System for DNS Using Cryptography

SECURITY SYSTEM FOR DNS USING CRYPTOGRAPHY ABSTRACT The mapping or binding of IP addresses to host names became a major problem in the rapidly growing Internet and the higher…

Documents IHI0048B Gic Architecture Specification

ARM Generic Interrupt Controller ® Architecture version 2.0 Architecture Specification Copyright © 2008, 2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. ARM IHI 0048B (ID061411)…

Documents Presenter: Mark Elkins Topic: Things not getting done.

Slide 1Presenter: Mark Elkins Topic: Things not getting done Slide 2 Things not getting done Mark Elkins AfriNIC-17 [email protected] Slide 3 Technical solutions exist and…

Documents High Performance Embedded Computing © 2007 Elsevier Lecture 8: Embedded Processor Issues Embedded.....

Slide 1High Performance Embedded Computing © 2007 Elsevier Lecture 8: Embedded Processor Issues Embedded Computing Systems Mikko Lipasti, adapted from M. Schulte Based on…

Documents Page 1 IEEE 802 March 2011 workshop Version 1.0 EEE 802 IEEE 802.21: Media Independent Handover...

Slide 1Page 1 IEEE 802 March 2011 workshop Version 1.0 EEE 802 IEEE 802.21: Media Independent Handover Services Subir Das Chair subir at research dot telcordia dot com Slide…

Technology Smart Grid & Utility Transformation

1.© 2013 WIPRO LTD | WWW.WIPRO.COM | CONFIDENTIAL1 Smart Grid & Utility Transformation A look at transitioning electric utilities into the 21st century 2. © 2013 WIPRO…

Education ARM vs Intel microarchitecture

1. ARM против Intel: мобильная эра Крюков Илья 2. План• Введение• Терминология• ARM• Intel• Противостояние…

Documents Services Area Report Sanjaya Services Area Director.

Slide 1 Services Area Report Sanjaya Services Area Director Slide 2 Key Deliverables Delivering Value Resource delegation Resource Quality Assurance Member services Supporting…

Documents Java™ Security Overview Tools to securely manage applications.

Slide 1 Java™ Security Overview Tools to securely manage applications Slide 2 Java SE Security Java security technology includes:  a set of APIs,  tools,  implementations…

Documents Some Elements of Internet Governance

* Some Elements of Internet Governance Peter Dengate Thrush Chairman, ICANN Board of Directors APTLD Meeting Noumea, 8 April 2011 Today’s Agenda Brief history of the development…