Documents tagged
Documents Sabre-toothed tigers are some of the best known and most popular of all Ice Age animals. They are...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Sabre-toothed tigers are some of the best known and most popular of all Ice Age animals. They are among the most impressive carnivores ever to have lived.…

Education Tools used by early people

1. TOOLS USED BY EARLY PEOPLE BY KEVIN C. 2. INTRODUCTION• About 3 millions B.C.E, the first early human called “Hominid”appeared on our Earth. They were evolved from…

Social Media Social Media Psychology for entry level brands and absolute noobs

1. Social Media Psychology for entry level brands and absolute noobs 2. Why are people social anyway and not loners like Mad Max or Amelie? • •••Once…

Documents Training Journal Risk-Type Compass Article

Feature O ur presence on this planet owes everything to the way that our ancestors dealt with risk. To survive, we had to be successful in dealing with the extraordinary…

Documents Training Journal

Feature O ur presence on this planet owes everything to the way that our ancestors dealt with risk. To survive, we had to be successful in dealing with the extraordinary…


Sabre-toothed tigers are some of the best known and most popular of all Ice Age animals. They are among the most impressive carnivores ever to have lived. Two different types…

Documents Introductory Question - Introductory Question - Did early man live at the same time as dinosaurs?...

Introductory Question - Did early man live at the same time as dinosaurs? The answer to that one is simple. Nah! No way. Not a chance. Nobody knows for sure why dinosaurs…