Documents tagged
Documents Djøf - Bliv ven med de sociale medier

1. Bliv ven med desociale medierKonsulent Lykke FehmerlingDjøfs Karriere- og kompetencecenter 2. Præsentation … og hvad vi taler om Officially, social media is “an…

Technology MLOVE - About us

1. © 2013 MLOVE - The Future of Mobile, The Lifestyle of Mobility & Mobile Empowered Enterprises. 2013 Overview and Events MLOVE Mobile X MLOVE Strategy &…

Technology Twitter - Thomas Petersen - 2009 06 08

1. How a small bird ended up on the cover of TimeMagazine hailed as the new GMBy Thomas Petersen 2. Setting the sceneWriting long books is a laborious and impoverishing act…

Technology Oeresund Business Club Web Analytics Presentation

1. Website TrackingHow to measure User behavior and Success on Websites By Chrilles Wybrandt Owner of 2. About Chrilles Wybrandt Specialized in web analytics…

Lifestyle @aGlance af Preben Holst Mogensen, AU

1. @aGlancePreben Holst MogensenAssoc. Professor, Computer Science, Aarhus UniversityIncubation Manager, @aGlance, Alexandra InstituteHead @aGlance, Roskilde and Skanderborg…

Services Makerspaces in Libraries - making workshop at Next Library 2014 in Chicago

1. People’s Lab, DenmarkSidsel Bech-Petersen and Louise Overgaard 2. Dokk1 Aarhus 3. The Vision• Space for co-operation• Place for dialogue,knowledge, ideas andiinnssppiirraattiioonn•…

Presentations & Public Speaking Portfolio Sine sams_137752

1. PORTFOLIO SINE MORRIS, 2014 2. CONTACT Sine Astrid Morris - SAMS 137752 Applicant from Copenhagen, Denmark Email: [email protected] Phone: 0045 6015 0182…

Documents Performance Planning 7

1. Performance Planning 7 Recording the Show & Contingencieswww.musicstudentinfo.comChris BakerThe beginning is the most important part of11/18/121 the work. Plato 2.…

Entertainment & Humor Celebrities special performance

1. Celebrities special performance 2. Demi Lovato Falls at ‘Cool for the Summer’ Pool Party  The singer made a stop at the WaterMarke Tower in Downtown Los Angeles…

Documents LOW YOUROPE Presentation Oct2014

R E P R E S E N T I N G T H E E U R O P E A N F E S T I V A L S ! –TheEuropeanFesti val Associ ati on Founded in November 1998 Today representing over 80 festival and associated…