Documents tagged
Marketing Mobile devices think app not ads

1. Think Apps, Not Ads For Mobile Devices, 2. Mobile ADS don’t work , WHY 3. People don’t like them1 4. There’s no right side2 5. Fat finger effect3 6. UTILITY APPS…

Business Drinkaware: Going mobile at Drinkaware

1. Digital Communications Conference Going mobile at Drinkaware Ben Butler, Head of Digital, Drinkaware 2. Five things I’ve learnt about mobile By Ben Butler (aged 32 years…

Documents Heather Anne Yeakel. To further understand the field of forensic science with regard to blood...

Determining the Cause of Different Patterns of Blood Spatter Determining the Cause of Different Patterns of Blood Spatter Heather Anne Yeakel To further understand the field…

Documents Determining the Cause of Different Patterns of Blood Spatter

Determining the Cause of Different Patterns of Blood Spatter Determining the Cause of Different Patterns of Blood Spatter Heather Anne Yeakel To further understand the field…