Documents What marketing channels make sense for a (digital consumer) startup, and when? – a RedMart...

1. consumer digital 5 tips to get your startup marketingheading in the right direction (with somegeneral startup advice)Todd Kurie VP Marketing RedMart 2. About MeActivityNet‘99-01‘12-present‘04-’06‘10-’12‘06-’08…

Marketing 10 Books Every Marketing Professional Should Read

1. 10 Books Every MarketingProfessional Should 2. Successfully connecting with your targetaudience can be tricky. You have to figureout what makes…

Documents Echelon singapore event preso todd kurie red mart

5 simple tips to get your (digital consumer) startup marketing heading in the right direction Todd Kurie VP Marketing RedMart Echelon Singapore Satellite o Launched Nov â11…

Business What marketers misunderstand about online reviews

1. What Marketers misunderstand about online reviews? Harvard Businees Review Article Presented by : Haneesh Vengala IIT MADRAS 2. TOOLS 3. O continuum 4. Competitive position…

Marketing How to improve your customer loyalty

1. How to improve your customer loyaltyby using the right marketing channels 2. We all know the 4 Ps; right product, right price, right place, right promotion.Customer loyalty…