Documents tagged
Documents plastic money

Introduction Banking has evolved a long way from the days of the medieval money lenders counting coins on the bench to the present scenario, where it is hard to trace the…

Design Design Thinking Action Lab: Prototype and Test

1. Design Thinking Action Lab Service with a Smile: Prototype & Test Shamik Chowdhury 2. Problem Statement The career coordinator at a hotel school needs to explore ways…

Business Introduction to Relationship marketing

1.Relationship MarketingAkash C.Mathapati Akash C.M2. Remember Me ??Im the fellow who goes into a restaurant, sits down and patiently waits while the waitresses do everything…

Technology Stampt

1.What is Stampt™?•  Stampt™ is a revolutionary smartphone application that replaces and improves paper buy-10-get-1-free loyalty cards, providing a much more effective…

Business Inside the Minds of Affiliates

1. Affiliate Summit West 2011 Inside the Minds of Affiliates Greg Hoffman, President, Greg Hoffman Consulting (@akagorilla) Tricia Meyer, Owner, Sunshine Rewards (@sunshinetricia)…

Technology VCS Assist Payment By Results Workshop - slides

1. Payment by Results Survival Guide Nicky Robertson-Peek, 3SC Steve White, VCS Assist 2. Introduction  Payments By Results  Work Programme  The future e.g. Transforming…

Leadership & Management Motivation

1. MOTIVATION 3/16/2015 2. Motivation  A process which begins with a physiological or psychological needs.  It triggers behavior or a drive that is aimed at a goal.…

Marketing How Middle Eastern companies can arrest CRM “Mirage”

1. IMPLEMENTING CRMIN THE MIDDLE EAST MARKETSHow Middle Eastern companies can arrest CRM “Mirage” 2. Customer relationship Management & Middle EastMiddle Eastern…

Documents BASS BRIGADE. 5-day wildlife leadership camps Open to students ages 13-17 Cost is $400 –...

Slide 1BASS BRIGADE Slide 2 5-day wildlife leadership camps Open to students ages 13-17 Cost is $400 – scholarships available Held annually in June and July 7 camps across…


Slide 1MOGL MARKET ANALYSIS CUSTOMER LOYALTY PROGRAM FOR RESTAURANTS ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES Slide 2 Vision… To aid our partner organizations in implementing our sustainable…