Documents tagged
Education Glossary

1.Glossary The definitions of words in this glossary are copyrighted and reproduced by permission of the Office of Water Programs, California State University, Sacramento…

Education Presentation

1. ALFASHER EYE HOSPITALCasepresentationby:-Dr Shawgi Adugory9.2011 2. CASE PRESENTATION DR SHAWGIMB BS 01 June 2011, a new-born male baby wasreferred to the…

Education Form 1 Chapter 2- Cell as a Unit of Life

Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Cell as a unit of life What is cell? â basic units of living things 1. Cells are the basic units of living things 2. cells come in different sizes and…

Documents Respiration & Breathing Respiration What is respiration? It is the release of energy from food...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Respiration & Breathing Slide 3 Respiration What is respiration? It is the release of energy from food substances in living cells. Slide 4 respiration…

Documents Clinical Anatomy of Head: Nasal Cavity Anatomy Chapter 7- Part 8 Associate Professor Dr. Podcheko...

Slide 1 Clinical Anatomy of Head: Nasal Cavity Anatomy Chapter 7- Part 8 Associate Professor Dr. Podcheko SJSM 2015 Slide 2 Intended Learning Outcomes: To know clinical anatomy…

Documents Respiratory System A. Functions 1. respiration 2. smell 3. filtration/defense 4. sound & speech...

Slide 1 Respiratory System A. Functions 1. respiration 2. smell 3. filtration/defense 4. sound & speech production 5. eliminate waste Slide 2 Respiratory System B. Anatomy…

Documents Comparing Evolutionary Trends in Invertebrates and Vertebrates (Chapters 29 + 33)

Slide 1 Comparing Evolutionary Trends in Invertebrates and Vertebrates (Chapters 29 + 33) Slide 2 Body Symmetry  Radial symmetry: extends from the center outwards …

Documents Unit Two “Energy Acquisition” “How Cells Harvest Energy from Food”

Unit Two “Energy Acquisition” “How Cells Harvest Energy from Food” Energy in Food Energy is obtained from Glucose for use in building ATP via the removal of electrons…

Documents The Carbon Cycle The movement of carbon between the 4 “spheres” of earth: biosphere, atmosphere,...

The Carbon Cycle The movement of carbon between the 4 âspheresâ of earth: biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere (âsphereâ means âareaâ) The amount of carbon…

Documents Prof. Saeed Makarem & Dr. Zeenat Zaidi

Prof. Saeed Makarem & Dr. Zeenat Zaidi Objectives At the end of the lecture, the students should be able to: Describe the Extent, structure and functions of the larynx.…