Documents tagged
Documents Content Management Portal Final Presentation Team SE16 – 7S 16 January, 2010.

Slide 1Content Management Portal Final Presentation Team SE16 – 7S 16 January, 2010 Slide 2 Agenda Project Retrospect Project Retrospect Technical Approach Technical Approach…

Documents DistributedSystem_Replication

Replication CSE - HCMUT Overview  Introduction to replication  System model and group communication  Fault-tolerant services  Highly available services  Gossip…

Documents DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS II REPLICATION Prof Philippas Tsigas Distributed Computing and Systems Research....

Slide 1 Slide 2 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS II REPLICATION Prof Philippas Tsigas Distributed Computing and Systems Research Group Slide 3 2 Four phases in performing a request …