Documents Do Now 8/19/11 How does the existence of homo-sapiens (100,000 years ago) compare to the length of.....

Slide 1Do Now 8/19/11 How does the existence of homo-sapiens (100,000 years ago) compare to the length of the earth? How does the impact humans have had on the earth compare…

Documents Evidence for Evolution 1. Evidence Evidenceof common ancestry among species comes from many sources....

Slide 1Evidence for Evolution 1 Slide 2 Evidence Evidenceof common ancestry among species comes from many sources. Evidence of common ancestry among species comes from many…

Documents Chapter 4 Opener Skeletal remains of the Pliocene hominin Australopithecus afarensis Evolution and.....

Slide 1 Chapter 4 Opener Skeletal remains of the Pliocene hominin Australopithecus afarensis Evolution and the fossil record Today: phyletic evolution or anagenesis Slide…

Documents How do we know the age of the Earth? Two methods are used by Scientists to determine the age of...

Slide 1 How do we know the age of the Earth? Two methods are used by Scientists to determine the age of earth. relative dating of fossils and rock layers radioactive dating…

Documents 1 st /2 nd /4 th Review Project Collection #2

Slide 1 1st/2nd/4th Review Project Collection #2 Learning Objective 1.32: The student is able to justify the selection of geological, physical, and chemical data that reveals…

Documents Chapter 14 The History of Life

Chapter 14 The History of Life 14.1 Fossil Evidence of Change Earthâs Early History Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago from molten material. Cooled for 500 million years…