Documents tagged
Documents - 1 - 2012 SESSION SC D2 Paris Palais des Congrès D2 Discussion Group Meeting – 31/08/2012 IS &.....

Slide 1- 1 - 2012 SESSION SC D2 Paris Palais des Congrès D2 Discussion Group Meeting – 31/08/2012 IS & Telecom D2.33 : P.PARISOT (France) RTE NOC & MANAGEMENT…

Technology A Look Into the Facebook Server Farm

1.A Glimpse of the Server Farm (Photos)2. A Glimpse of the Server Farm Martin Schoeller for TIME 3. A Glimpse of the Server FarmMartin Schoeller for TIME Contained These…

Business Meeting the Challenge: Maintaining System Reliability While Meeting Both Economic System Performance...

N O V E M B E R 4 , 2 0 1 4 | L A S V E G A S , N V Michael I. Henderson D I R E C T O R , R E G I O N A L P L A N N I N G & C O O R D I N A T I O N Transmission &…

Documents Northwest Power and Conservation Council The Role of the Regional Technical Forum in PNW Energy...

The Role of the Regional Technical Forum in PNW Energy Efficiency Programs May 14, 2008 What Youâre About to Hear Who Are Those Guys? Whatâs Their Role? How Do They Make…

Documents Application and Implementation of State Estimator at Idaho Power Company S. Kincic and M. Papic.

Application and Implementation of State Estimator at Idaho Power Company S. Kincic and M. Papic Outline Background Overview of IPCO and its EMS System IPC Experience with…

Documents NWPP Members’ Market Assessment and Coordination Initiative WECC Market Interface Committee...

NWPP MC Report MIC October 2015 NWPP Membersâ Market Assessment and Coordination Initiative WECC Market Interface Committee October 14, 2015 Agenda Introductions Recent…

Documents The Role of the Regional Technical Forum in PNW Energy Efficiency Programs May 14, 2008

The Role of the Regional Technical Forum in PNW Energy Efficiency Programs May 14, 2008 What Youâre About to Hear Who Are Those Guys? Whatâs Their Role? How Do They Make…

Documents Application and Implementation of State Estimator at Idaho Power Company

Application and Implementation of State Estimator at Idaho Power Company S. Kincic and M. Papic Outline Background Overview of IPCO and its EMS System IPC Experience with…