Health & Medicine 7th Annual Statewide Family Conference, Madison Wisc

1. Deaf CharactersinAdolescent Literature , Comics ,andGraphic Novels , Sharon Pajka-West, Ph.D. 2. Everything begins with a story Why did I start researching Deaf Characters?…

Technology MWCDE Conference- Deaf Characters

1. Deaf Charactersin Adolescent Literature:theportrayalsandperceptions Sharon Pajka-West, Ph.D. 2. Goals: To give an overview of my research study,The portrayals and perceptions…

Health & Medicine 7th Annual Statewide Professional Conference Madison, Wisc

1. Deaf Charactersin Adolescent Literature:theportrayalsandperceptions Sharon Pajka-West, Ph.D. 2. Goals: To give an overview of my research study,The portrayals and perceptions…

Education The Importance of Including Adolescent Literature with Deaf Characters in the Curriculum

1. The importance of includingAdolescent Literaturewith Deaf Charactersin the curriculum.Sharon Pajka-West, Ph.D. 2. Goals: To give an overview of my research study,The portrayals…

Technology Pathways to Possibilities: Discovering Deaf Characters

1. Discovering Deaf Charactersin Adolescent Literature:theportrayalsandperceptions Sharon Pajka-West, Ph.D. 2. Goals: To give an overview of my research study,The portrayals…