Technology Manipulating continuous variable photonic entanglement

1.Manipulating Continuous Variable Photonic Entanglement Martin Plenio Imperial College London Institute for Mathematical Sciences & Department of Physics Imperial College…

Documents Manipulating Continuous Variable Photonic Entanglement Martin Plenio Imperial College London...

Manipulating Continuous Variable Photonic Entanglement Martin Plenio Imperial College London Institute for Mathematical Sciences & Department of Physics Imperial College…

Documents 2_pdfsam_iq.pdf

M as te r de m at hé m at iq ue s UFR Mathématiques Quantum mechanics Mathematical foundations and applications Lecture notes Dimitri Petritis Rennes (draft of 2 October…

Documents Highlights of updates in Geant4 9.4

PowerPoint Presentation Highlights of updates in Geant4 9.4 John Apostolakis Updates on Electromagnetic Physics for Geant4 9.4 Borrowed from presentation of V.Ivanchenko…