Documents tagged
News & Politics Behind the Scenes with

1. Behind the Scenes with Jeanne HolmEvangelist, Data.gov20 October 2011 2. Open Government Initiative• Transparency promotesaccountability• Participation allowspeople…

Technology Driving Innovation (Pepperdine)

1. Driving Innovation withOpen Data and Knowledge Sharing Jeanne HolmEvangelist, Data.govJanuary 7, 2012 2. Change is Happening…January 7, 2012 2 3. What Will You Do?January…

Technology Data gov gov20la_2012

1. Driving Innovation with OpenData Jeanne HolmEvangelist, April 21, 2012 2. Change is Happening… 2 3. What Will You Do?3 4. PeoplePeople  Knowledge  Problems4…

Documents Driving K-12 Reform through a College-Access and Success Agenda Call-in information: 1-650-479-3208....

Slide 1Driving K-12 Reform through a College-Access and Success Agenda Call-in information: 1-650-479-3208 Access code: 660 257 707 Slide 2 The Work AASA and College Summit…

Documents Driving K-12 Reform through a College-Access and Success Agenda

Driving K-12 Reform through a College-Access and Success Agenda Call-in information: 1-650-479-3208 Access code: 660 257 707 The Work AASA and College Summit have partnered,…

Documents Driving Innovation with Open Data

Slide 1 Driving Innovation with Open Data Chris Musialek in place for Jeanne Holm February 9, 2012 Creating a Data Ecosystem Gather data from many places and give…

Documents for KM Latin America

1. Driving Innovation with OpenData and Interoperability Jeanne HolmEvangelist, Data.govOctober 24, 2012 2. Creating a Data Ecosystem1. Gather data– from many places and…