Documents tagged
Documents Capsicum

Descriptors for Capsicum (Capsicum spp.) ii Descriptors for Capsicum The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) is an autonomous international scientific…

Documents Publications

E:\DRRIVE E\MANAK\ICHR-2010\PUBLICATIONS 1 IVTH PROOF 29.01.2010 PREFACE INDIAN COUNCIL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH The Indian Council of Historical Research, a premier institution…

Technology Group Project Planning And Evaluation

1. Web 2.0 Project Planning and Evaluation TECH2002 Studies in Digital Technology Tutorial Week 6 Andrew Clay 2. Reflection and evaluation During the project space should…

Technology Alexandra Basford, InCoB 2011: A Journal’s Perspective on Data Standards and Biocuration

1. A Journal’s Perspective on Data Standards and Biocuration Alexandra Basford, PhDw w w. g i g a s c i e n c e j o u r n a l . c o m 2. Overview/ The CurationChallenges…

Science Nicole Nogoy's talk at eResearchNZ 2014: Improving data sharing, integration and reproducibility

1. Nicole Nogoy eResearch NZ, 2 July 2014 Open-Data Open-Source Open-Access : Improving data sharing, integration and reproducibility 2. Open-Review Open-Access Open-DataOpen-Source…

Science Scott Edmunds at Tech4Dev on Open Publishingfor the Big-Data Era

1. : Open Publishing for the Big-Data Era "Information is the currency of the future world” William Gibson Scott Edmunds, Peter Li, Huayan Gao, Chris Hunter, Si Zhe…

Technology Scott Edmunds Open data examples, from the Science as an Open Enterprise session at Wikisym 2013

1. Open Science Examples 2013 2. Journal, data-platform and database for large-scale data Editor-in-Chief: Laurie Goodman Executive Editor: Scott…

Technology Scott Edmunds: Revolutionizing Data Dissemination: GigaScience

1. Revolutionizing data dissemination. GSC13, Shenzhen Scott Edmunds 2. Now taking submissions…Large-Scale DataJournal/DatabaseIn conjunction…

Technology From Deadly E. coli to Endangered Polar Bear: GigaScience Provides First Citable Data

1. From Deadly E. coli to Endangered Polar Bear: GigaScience Provides First Citable Datadoi:10.5524/100001 doi:10.5524/100008 Scott Edmunds, PhDAlexandra Basford, PhD 2.…

Technology GigaScience: data and beta-database launch. Announcing GigaDB

1. Announces the launch ofWith the release of seventeen new genomic datasets from both plants and animals 2. An upcoming open-access open-data journal and database Innovative…