Documents Bread Broken & Shared May/June 2014

�MAY/JUNE 2014 See the Invisible, Do the Impossible by Robert Stark SSS Director, Office for Social Ministry Father Robert Stark SSS of the Congregation of the Blessed…

Documents Bread Broken & Shared January/February 2014

�JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 Sanctuary of the Chapel at Regina Health Center Regina Health Center by Gerard Hickey SSS Brother Gerard Hickey SSS is a native of Kingston, New…

Documents Bread Broken & Shared: September/October 2014

�SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 Province Assembly 2014 Taking Time to Pray, Discern and Dialogue by John Christman SSS While the rest of the country was still in the icy grasp…

Documents Bread Broken & Shared

�SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2013 Painting the Church by John Christman SSS Before joining the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, John Christman was an artist. His love for art…

Documents Bread Broken & Shared: November/December 2014

�NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 Missionaries of the Congregation in USA Each summer we welcome SSS religious from foreign countries who throughout the summer (June through September)…