Documents tagged
Documents Photo Autobiography: Global Peace Citizen

1. Global Citizen of PeaceThe Life of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon January 1920—September 2012 2. Korea, 1935: Sun Myung Moon is a 15-year-oldschoolboy living in a small town…

Spiritual History of missions lesson 11 asia - primarily china 19th century

1. Missions History of Missions Dr. Robert Patton Missionary to Suriname, South America 2. Missions in the far east  Much less success - Japan, China & Korea were…

Spiritual History of missions lesson 8 - reformation - american indian missions

1. Missions History of Missions Dr. Robert Patton Missionary to Suriname, South America 2. Pre-Reformation Evangelicals  Priscillian - beheaded as a heretic, but his main…

Documents North East Region Summer Workshop 2014 Lecture 10 life of father moon

1. The Life and Work of Father Sun Myung Moon 2. I have lived my life with just one thought: I wanted to bring about a world of peace, a world where there are no wars and…

Education The Eschatology of Victory in the Greatest Century of Missions

The Eschatology of Victory Dr. Peter Hammond The Eschatology of Victory in the Greatest Century of Missions Dr. Peter Hammond âAll the ends of the world shall remember and…

Education Lesson 6 | Real Time – faith | Sabbath School | Second Quarter 2015

1. The Body of Believers and MissionMay9,2015 Sunday HERE’S WHAT I THINK A group of youth was working on a service project together. They were washing cars and cleaning…

Documents Maxey Mark Pauline 1955 Japan

1955 KYUSHU REPORT Summary of the Past, Present and Future of the Kyushu Christian Mission in Kanoya Al/. Sakurajima in Kagoshima Bay M!SSIONARlt:S: Mr. & Mrs. Mark G.…

Documents Things Fall Apart

W W W .S P A R K N O T E S .C O M S P A R K A R K N O T E S Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe Copyright ©2002 by SparkNotes llc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication…

Documents Taiwan Brethren Assemblies Taiwan report APBCM2006.

Slide 1Taiwan Brethren Assemblies Taiwan report APBCM2006 Slide 2 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 3:11 The first Taiwan…

Documents Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day Equivalent to the Chinese New Year’s Eve as a day for family reunion...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Thanksgiving Slide 3 Thanksgiving Day Equivalent to the Chinese New Year’s Eve as a day for family reunion Most restaurants and shops are closed Contrary…