Documents tagged
Education Quality control tools

1. Quality Control Tools The QC 7 Tools consist of below: • Histogram • Cause and Effect Diagram • Check Sheet • Pareto Diagram • Flow Chart • Scatter Diagram…

Business Qc

1. Quality Circle SAIKAT GHOSH SR MGR(TQM) 2. Quality Circle AQuality Circleis avolunteergroup composed ofworkers(or evenstudents ) usually under the leadership of their…

Documents Fungal keratitis

Journal review fungal keratitis DR.BHARTI AHUJA Overview (keratomycosis/mycotic keratitis)        First described by LEBER in 1879. Quite common in tropics,agrarian…

Data & Analytics Lecture 2

1. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Shravan Vasishth Department of Linguistics University of Potsdam, Germany October 9, 2014…

Technology Basic mathematics

1. Basic MathematicsMohd Aidil Bin Othman 2. Pie chart• A pie chart (or a circle graph) is a circular chartdivided into sectors, illustrating relativemagnitudes or frequencies.•…

Education Frequentist Statistics as a Theory of Inductive Inference (2/27/14)

1. Frequentist Statistics as a Theory of Inductive Inference (2/27/14) A conversation I had with Sir David Cox, (“Statistical Science and Philosophy of Science: Where Do/Should…

Health & Medicine Dysplasia by dr manzoor n

1. DysplasiaDysplasia is change in cell or tissue phenotype. 2. DYSPLASIA • Dysplasia (dys-, "difficulty“ plasis, "formation") is aan abnormality of development.…

Documents Measures of Impact 18 th EPIET/EUPHEM Introductory Course September-October 2012 Lazareto, Menorca,....

Slide 1Measures of Impact 18 th EPIET/EUPHEM Introductory Course September-October 2012 Lazareto, Menorca, Spain Ioannis Karagiannis Slide 2 2 Objectives To define measures…

Documents Evaluation of a surveillance system Pawel Stefanoff.

Slide 1Evaluation of a surveillance system Pawel Stefanoff Slide 2 Evaluation of a surveillance system: a cyclic process Gaps between needs and capacities Implementation…

Documents Family Resources Survey Proposals for the treatment of unlinked FRS data* Valerie Christian & Philip...

Slide 1Family Resources Survey Proposals for the treatment of unlinked FRS data* Valerie Christian & Philip Clarke Slide 2 2 Background to this project FRS 0809 - first…