Documents tagged
Spiritual Lu4 14 30-joes_kid

JOSEPH’S KID …NO WAY! Luke 4:14-30 Luke 4:14-30  (New Living Translation) 14 Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power. Reports about him…

Documents The Gospel According to Jesus Christ - The Gospel in Parables

The Gospel According to Jesus Christ The Gospel in Parables Dane Smith Toffler The Gospel According to Jesus Christ The Gospel in Parables Preface In the series of booklets…

Documents Emowering Teenagerss to live a Life of Passion and Purpose: Week #2

1. RiverLakes Community Church 2. Review of Week 1• General introductory questions• Psalm 139:1-24• Compared a few personality types• Examined our styles of parenting…


1.2 KINGS 1 Kings 12:1 – 2 Kings 17:41 Source: 2. KINGS OF ISRAEL AND JUDAH Year B.C. (approx) Kings of Judah Kings of Israel Notes 933 1 Rehoboam…

Spiritual Preparing for exaltation jeopardy

1. An Education Quiz Template Created by Ryan Mayers([email protected]) Adapted by Roger Cookson([email protected] the Play button to start.Play…

Documents 30 nov 2012 pgn

1. POSTAL REGD NO.: MH/MR-NW-224/2012-14To,Editor- Rakesh Kamal Nayyar Email- [email protected] Vol. No. :2 Issue No. :09Mumbai, 30th NOv to 6th Dec. 2012 RNI. No.…

Documents 10 Obscure Yet Interesting Bible Characters and Their Stories - Unlocking the Bible

12/5/13 10 Obscure Yet Interesting Bible Characters and their Stories - Unlocking the Bible 1/4 10 Obscure…

Spiritual 274 a caring servant

1. A Caring ServantAn interesting story is told in 2 Kings 5:1–15 about a Hebrew girlwho had been taken from her home to be a servant tothe wife of Naaman, the head of…

Documents Elisha and the Poisonous Food: Elisha and the Poisonous Food: God protects His children.

Slide 1Elisha and the Poisonous Food: Elisha and the Poisonous Food: God protects His children Slide 2 Welcome to the Computer Presentation Please Enter Your Name(s) S T…

Documents Altar Boys and Covenant Girls Dedication Order of Worship.

Slide 1Altar Boys and Covenant Girls Dedication Order of Worship Slide 2 Opening Hymn Slide 3 Call to Worship Celebrant: Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may…