Business RTB. Несколько слов и цифр

1. Интернет-рынок Украины -2- RTB. Несколько слов и цифр Зарождающийся тренд в интернет-рекламе: Programmatic…

Social Media How The World Cup Explains Rallyverse

1. How The World Cup Explains Rallyverse June 2014 @rallyverse 2. “So how does this thing work?” We get asked a lot how our platform discovers and…

Technology Imran Khan, Nexage

1. How to Maximize Revenue and Lifetime Value WINTER NIGHTS February 7th, 2014 2. Nexage is the leading premium mobile exchange – 2 – THE PREMIUM MOBILE EXCHANGE o Monetizing…

Technology FIPP digital factbook 2014 2015 executive summary

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYdigital factbook cover.indd 1 19/08/2014 21:36MORE FROM FIPP INSIGHTGET YOURS TODAY: digital appnewlaunch2014Pre-order…

Marketing Beyond Direct Response: How to Measure Success in Programmatic Branding

1. BEYOND DIRECT RESPONSE -HOW TO MEASURE SUCCESS INPROGRAMMATIC BRANDINGPresented by:Andrew FeigensonManaging Director, DigitalOctober 2014 2. Copyright ©2013 The Nielsen…

Marketing 20140704 wer braucht noch agenturen app nexus voss

1. AdTech and the Real Time Future Frederike Voss Country Manager Central Europe AppNexus 2. Three questions: 1)  What is AdTech and why does it matter? 2) How will Real-Time…

Data & Analytics Fipp digital factbook_executivesummary_201415 (2)

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYdigital factbook cover.indd 1 19/08/2014 21:36MORE FROM FIPP INSIGHTGET YOURS TODAY: digital appnewlaunch2014Pre-order…

Marketing Trendsetting.pptx adv

1. TRENDSETTING @VERTISING: from Withvertising, Sharevertising and Programmatic Advertising to Polymorphic Advertising and Dronevertising. Professor Luiz Moutinho Foundation…

Presentations & Public Speaking Дмитрий Ламонов: «Programmatic advertising: что видим сейчас и что....

1. Google confidential29 октября 2014Programmatic advertising: чтовидим сейчас и что ожидаем в2015 г.Дмитрий Ламонов, Менеджер…

Marketing 2015 Digital Marketing Predictions

CRYPTO CURRENCIES WILL EXPAND INTO MAINSTREAM COMMERCE Bitcoin and other crypto currencies have been and will continue to fuel the black-market economy, owing to their electronic…