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Documents Teori & Sejarah Desain Arsitektur 1

teori & sejarah desain arsitektur 1 geometri (kompleks) sebagai generator ruang arsitektur 7 baroque early modern setiadi sopandi 17th-18th century renaissance mannerism:…

Art & Photos TIZIANO's 'Amor sacro e Amor profano' Part I

1. TIZIANO's 'Amor sacro e Amor profano' (I) The original and its repetitions till 1899 Story by: K. Bender 2. TIZIANO: Venus and the Bride 1513 - 1515 Tiziano…

Documents Repetition and alteration Lotus flower—Egyptian goddess Isis traced back as far as 2500 b.c. ...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3  Repetition and alteration  Lotus flower—Egyptian goddess Isis  traced back as far as 2500 b.c.  Separate primary colors  Egyptian…

Documents Giotto, Kiss of Judas. The Ognisanti Madonna, Florence, Uffizi Museum - c. 1310 Tempera on wood.

Slide 1 Giotto, Kiss of Judas Slide 2 The Ognisanti Madonna, Florence, Uffizi Museum - c. 1310 Tempera on wood Slide 3 The Annunciation, Fra Angelico, c. 1430 Slide 4 Sandro…

Documents Floral Design History. Egyptian 2800-28 BC: Repetition and alteration Lotus flower—Egyptian...

Slide 1 Floral Design History Slide 2 Egyptian 2800-28 BC:  Repetition and alteration  Lotus flower—Egyptian goddess Isis  traced back as far as 2500 b.c. …

Documents Greek Myths and Stories

Greek Myths and Stories Chapter One: The Gods of Greece This chapter can also be titled as The Origin of Greek Gods and Goddesses. Key words in this chapter are: Cronus,…

Documents Renessansi maalikunst Itaalias

Renessansi maalikunst Itaalias CORREGGIO, GIORGIONE,TIZIAN, TINTORETTO, VERONESE CORREGGIO 1494-1534 The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine 1526-27 Wood, 105 x 102 cm Musée…

Documents Fundamentals of Visual Arts: Color. Color Theory In the visual arts, color theory is a body of...

Fundamentals of Visual Arts: Color Color Theory In the visual arts, color theory is a body of practical guidance to color mixing and the visual impacts of specific color…

Documents Raphael. Transfiguration . 1516-1520. Type oil on wood, 405 cm × 278 cm (159 in × 109 in).

Slide 1 Raphael. Transfiguration. 1516-1520. Type oil on wood, 405 cm à278 cm (159 in à109 in). Pinacoteca Vaticana, Vatican City Sir Edwin Landseer.…

Documents Sacred and Profane Love: Four Fountains in the Hypnerotomachia (1499) and the Roman de La Rose

This article was downloaded by: [Columbia University] On: 28 May 2014, At: 08:49 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954…