Documents tagged
Education Instructional Design for Multimedia

1. Instructional Design for Multimedia Sanjaya Mishra Definition Architecture Design Implementation 2. Instructional Design for Multimedia Principles of Multimedia Design…

Education Ch 4 literacy original

1. Ch. 4 Literacy by Genesee & Riches Ellie Gordy & Joseph Pizano 2. INTRODUCTION Literacy skills are the foundation of education and without them children cannot…

Documents Instuctional design itt

1. +What is InstructionalDesign?For ITTBy Dianne Bey 2. +What, How and How do we know? Main areas include: Content=== what is it that is going to be taught –outcomes,goals…

Documents Quilting a Journey: Decolonizing Instructional Design Lyn DeLorme, PhD.

Slide 1 Quilting a Journey: Decolonizing Instructional Design Lyn DeLorme, PhD Slide 2 Star Quilt Framework Slide 3 To highlight the orientation of the study As a metaphor…

Documents Differentiated Instruction: from DRAB to Garden City Public Schools.

Differentiated Instruction: from DRAB to Garden City Public Schools Objectives C.O. You will compare and contrast the original model of Differentiated Instruction to the…